Ahead of ‘March for Our Lives,’ Student Manifesto Outlines Steps to Eradicate ‘Plague of Gun Violence’

July 24, 2024 | admin

(COMMON DREAMS) Jake Johnson, March 24, 2018 — Ahead of the historic “March for Our Lives” demonstrations taking place nationwide on Saturday, student journalists from Majory Stonemason Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida—the site of a shooting last month that left 17 dead—published a manifesto in The Guardian on Friday declaring that they can no longer “stand idly by as the country continues to be infected by a plague of gun violence.”

“We believe federal and state governments must put these in place to ensure that mass shootings and gun violence cease to be a staple of American culture.”
—Majory Stoneman Douglas students

“We have a unique platform not only as student journalists, but also as survivors of a mass shooting. We are firsthand witnesses to the kind of devastation that gross incompetence and political inaction can produce,” wrote the students, who work for the Stoneman Douglas school newspaper The Eagle Eye. “We will be marching this Saturday for those that we loved and lost, and we write this in the hope that no other community or publication will ever have to do the same.”

The proposals outlined by the Parkland student journalists in advance of Saturday’s events—which are expected to draw hundreds of thousands to the streets in all 50 U.S. states and in major cities across the globe—include:

  • A complete ban on “semi-automatic weapons that fire high-velocity rounds”;
  • Universal background checks and “a database recording which guns are sold in the United States, to whom, and of what caliber and capacity they are”;
  • Raising the gun purchasing age to 21; and
  • Closing the gun show and secondhand purchase loopholes.

“We believe federal and state governments must put these in place to ensure that mass shootings and gun violence cease to be a staple of American culture,” the students conclude.

via Ahead of ‘March for Our Lives,’ Student Manifesto Outlines Steps to Eradicate ‘Plague of Gun Violence’.

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