Bernie Sanders takes a pass on talking about terrorism during Baltimore visit

July 24, 2024 | admin

(DNAINFO)  December 8, 2015 — The Democratic hopeful was asked about ISIS at an event focused on economic challenges facing African Americans.

Bernie Sanders, who’s drawn attention for sticking to a heavily focused economic message in the wake of the Paris attacks and San Bernardino shootings, took a pass Tuesday on talking about terrorism.

The Democratic presidential hopeful brought his message of economic injustice to the impoverished West Baltimore neighborhood that was home to Freddie Gray, the African American man whose death in police custody sparked rioting in this city in the spring.

Following a walking tour of the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood and a meeting with religious and community leaders, the Vermont senator met the press. Before he came out, a spokeswoman asked reporters to stick to the day’s topic and not ask questions about the Islamic State.

After Sanders fielded a few questions on challenges facing the African American community, a CNN reporter asked: “Do you not want to talk about ISIS?”

“Of course I’ll talk about ISIS,” Sanders said. “But today what we’re talking about is a community in which half of the people don’t have jobs, a community in which there are hundreds of buildings that are uninhabitable, a community where kids are unable to go to schools that are decent.”

Source: Bernie Sanders takes a pass on talking about terrorism during Baltimore visit – The Washington Post

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