(FUTURE OF PIER 40 SURVEY) CB2, August 7, 2017 — Community Board 2 has convened a Working Group to discuss the future of Pier 40. By participating, you will help assure that redevelopment of Pier 40 serves the needs of our community while also generating necessary revenue to help support Hudson River Park.
The Hudson River Park Act says that to the extent practicable maintenance and operations of the park will be supported by revenue generated within the park. The act allows “park/commercial” uses at some piers including Pier 40, but requires that these uses be compatible with public park uses, and that all income be used only for maintenance and operations of the park. The piles supporting the pier will soon be repaired using funds derived from the recent sale of 200,000 square feet of development rights from Pier 40. The pier building still needs expensive repair and/or reconstruction. The Hudson River Park Trust expects a future private developer to pay to redevelop the pier and also pay rent, which would be used to help support the entire park. Please keep this context in mind as you respond.
Source: Future of Pier 40 Survey