(COMMON DREAMS) Jake Johnson, February 24, 2018 — After weeks of working tirelessly to dismantle the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau‘s (CFPB) ability to defend consumers and roll back its power to punish criminal banks, White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney put out a request for public comment on the bureau’s direction under his leadership.
“I would request that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, you know, actually protect consumers instead of kowtowing to banks and other large financial institutions.”
—Michael Novak
If the overwhelming majority of responsessubmitted thus far are any evidence, Americans are not at all pleased with the CFPB’s sharp corporate turn.
“I would request that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, you know, actually protect consumers instead of kowtowing to banks and other large financial institutions,” wrote Michael Novak, expressing a sentiment that was common among the dozens of comments that have been submitted since Mulvaney asked for feedback earlier this month.
“Clearly, he is a stooge in the pocket of predatory and negligent companies…and is looking forward to lining his own pockets with donations and favors from these companies,” added another commenter, referring to Mulvaney. “Banana Republic-style corruption at the highest level.”
via ‘Corruption, Plain and Simple’: Public Comments Show Outrage at CFPB’s Corporate Turn Under Mulvaney.