(COMMON DREAMS) John Acheson, April 22, 2016 — Predictably, after New York, the establishment is demanding that Bernie bow out. The etiquette of conventional Party politics, after all, dictates that he step aside, lest he weaken the front runner. But this race has never been about tweedle-dee vs. tweedle-dum, so the conventions of Party politics have little bearing on whether Bernie should fight all the way to the Convention. Here’s why he needs to keep going.
The selection process is undemocratic, and fundamentally broken
At a time when a sizable majority of people think of themselves as independents, the two Parties completely dominate the selection – as opposed to election – process. The Parties in turn, are controlled by moneyed interests, which in turn control the media, a vast array of think tanks, non-profits, and paid pundits representing special interests of all kinds.
The rules in both Parties’ nominating procedure serve to shut out anyone not toeing the Party’s line.