FBI and NSA Chiefs Forced to Fact-Check Boss as Trump Live-Tweets Hearing

July 24, 2024 | admin

(COMMON DREAMS) Jon Queally, March 21, 2017 — President Donald Trump (or possibly an authorized staff member) took the unusual step on Monday of commenting in real-time during a congressional hearing as he dishonestly spun and mischaracterized the testimony of top level officials in his own administration as they answered questions under oath from members of the House Intelligence Committee.

Whereas international attention was drawn to the high-profile testimony of FBI director James Comey and NSA director Michael Rogers on alleged Russian interference in last year’s election, the White House live-tweeting stood out as the latest unorthodox behavior from a president who appears unwilling to let the facts tell the story of a political controversy that has consumed Washington, D.C. since he took office in January.

In an unprecedented display of presidential behavior, committee members were forced to request that Comey and Rogers clarify earlier testimony to committee members after it came to light the White House was sending out tweets that appeared to betray the meaning of their words or the implications of their responses.

Source: FBI and NSA Chiefs Forced to Fact-Check Boss as Trump Live-Tweets Hearing | Common Dreams

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