June 16, 2016 Midtown South Community Council Monthly Meeting Minutes

July 24, 2024 | John Mudd

(MSCC) Sharon Jasprizza, June 26, 2016 — A report on the June 16, 2016 Midtown South Council’s meeting…


Inspector Russel Green addressed the meeting after attending a downtown meeting regarding crime. The issues continue to be unattended property such as handbags, laptops et. The opportunities to steal these items are being taken by an increase in organized individuals.

Two fatalities in the past few days as a result of vehicles proceeding eastbound and making a left turn to go northbound Advertising and marketing of Zero Collision via billboards and analyzing the traffic intelligence reports to see if areas can be improved.

Reports of pedestrian summons year to date given for reasons such as cell phone use.

Community member raised concern about buses still complying with the basis of their permit for set downs and pick up. 8th Ave and 26th St very congested.

Inspector Green said that he would stay a few minutes to speak to anyone individually.

John Mudd thanked Inspector Green for the Precincts proactive work with John leading to the Link presentation at the meeting.

John introduced Eugene Sinigalliano as the program director for Midtown South Community Council’s Beautification initiatives.

Eugene spoke about the wish list for beautification for Midtown South, action plan, the network of common goals to beautify Midtown South, email Eugene to add to the wish list.

Eugene distributed a handout to request a tree to be planted. Funding is available from the Million Trees project. For updates on requests go to the website provided or Eugene.

John Mudd introduced first guest speaker – Ruth Fasoldt from Links.

Ruth spoke of the Links attributes pertaining to the kiosks:
kiosks reflect the future developments
free to all taxpayers as the advertising pays for the entire operation
a small percentage of advertising space is available to NFP for free
wifi always connected and no need to reconnect each time
download speed is fast
free phone calls across the USA
device charging
emergency buttons
24 hour back up battery for emergency buttons if power cut
10 people working across Manhattan to continue to improve features, restore or fix kiosks
Kiosks could be used by local communities to promote their unique programs and identities such as the beautification programs, arts and culture programs
Filter systems such as NYC library applied and new fixes applied as filters broken or new sites of porn etc found

Kiosk issues raised by community:
the congregating of people, garbage, increased noise, drug dealing and reduced feelings of security in the kiosk areas
Some employees leaving work early as scared to walk past areas when congestion is high
locations of some kiosks on narrow pathways (eg 9th Ave and 40th Street) or near doors of restaurants/businesses/residences
biggest problems seem to be at 39th and 40th at 8th Ave
a positive benefit is the instant connection with police and emergency numbers

Discussion of above issues concentrated on the following:
Requests to turn off functions or remove features
MOU regarding removal of kiosks raised
Volume has been reduced by Sprint as a fix to reduce volume at night
Possible fix could be reduced time frames for use
The hot areas need to be reconsidered
Police are moving people on, creating more work for police
Data issues need to be looked at
Locations at Central Park where visitors are may help
Filter systems such as NYC library

John Mudd introduced second guest speaker-Dhavon Davis from Midtown Community Court.

Dhavon was delighted to be our guest speaker. Dhavon spoke of his journey of support and opportunities within the community such as Bronx Community College and the Midtown Community Court especially the UpNext Program which helps supports those entering the job market with limited skills. Contact Dhavon at dvdavis@nycourts.gov for further information about the programs that has supported his education and eventual job opportunities.

Sharon Jasprizza thanked Dhavon and cited the importance of surrogate networks to bring progress into people’s lives. The Bronx Community College was very important for the first steps Dhavon took, including the Release the Trigger program aimed at reducing gun violence in our communities. Sharon continued to reiterate how important it was for communities and networks to work together to resolve problems and support those needing assistance.


Drug dealing at 29th St and Broadway where baby strollers, toddlers and preteen children used in the trade. Citibank and bike kiosks are being used as cafes for meetings.

Illegal bus companies and illegal pick up and drop off at 32nd street.

Homeless folks between Park and Lex 32nd and 33rd Streets causing disruptive behavior near the Main Chance drop in centre.

50 to 70 calls a week are directed to police to move the homeless.

Performers, break dancers, and bucket banger near Maceys were disruptive. Response from police was quick in 2 days. A need to maintain order for residents.

30th and 8th Ave people under the influence causing concern.

Smell outside drop in centre an issue.

Club at 251 West 30th Street door open with jazz band playing. This was after new doors installed to reduce noise. Club closed doors when asked to. Not sure why management allowed for this to happen again so Manger following up with Manager on duty at that time.


MTS CC President John Mudd, Vice President Bill Otterson, Director of Community Programs Sharon Jasprizza and stand in Secretary as Eileen Miller, Assistant Secretary Frank Kelly were absent.

Officials in attendance: Inspector Russell Green, commanding officer MTS; P.O. Thomas Byrnes, MTS Crime Prevention; Captain Lanot, Commanding Officer of the 19th Precinct; Detective Joe Bunster Community Affairs Midtown Precinct South,

Also attending:
John Clancy, Foley’s Restaurant, 18 W33rd St, NYC
Alicia Sheppard Molly Wee Pub
Alfredo Marty, Blarney Stone, 410 8th Ave
Noelle Mooney, Stout
Gerard McNamee, representing American Beauty, Beer Bar & Concert Venue, 251 W30th St
David Rios, Rick’s Cabaret and Vivid
Kelly of West Garden Spa
Sheree from Corey Johnson’s Office

Twitter account handles: @NYPDMTS, Transit Division @NYPDTRANSIT

The next MTS Community Council meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15, 2016, 7:00 p.m., at the Wyndham New Yorker Hotel on 8th Avenue between 34th and 35th streets.

It was noted by a member of our community media reported (NY Post. p1 and 5, dated Monday June 20, 2016) the Link response to the kiosk issues)


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