(COMMON DREAMS) Nika Knight, February 26, 2017 — A leaked draft of a House bill to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was published Friday by Politico, and it reveals that Republicans are moving towards slashing subsidies and ending the Medicaid expansion—moves that are vastly out of step with the opinions of the American public.
The draft (pdf) reveals that Republicans are hoping to “take down the foundation of Obamacare, including the unpopular individual mandate, subsidies based on people’s income, and all of the law’s taxes. It would significantly roll back Medicaid spending and give states money to create high risk pools for some people with pre-existing conditions. Some elements would be effective right away; others not until 2020,” per Politico’s Paul Demko.
The bill would also eradicate the Medicaid expansion that some states enacted when the ACA was first passed in 2010. This means that states that took advantage of federal funds to expand Medicaid would no longer have access to such funds.
Source: Leaked Draft of ACA Replacement Reveals Massive Cuts to Subsidies, Medicaid | Common Dreams