Midtown South Community Council’s September 21, 2017 Monthly Meeting Minutes

July 24, 2024 | John Mudd

(MSCC) Eileen Miller, Frank Kelly, October 19, 2017, Midtown South Community Council’s September 21, 2017 Monthly Meeting


John Mudd opens meeting with an update of Council projects including: homeless issues, garbage dumping at several sites, magazine dispensers, bike cleanup with DOS and assistance from Community Court, plan to meet with DOB about long term scaffolding, rooftop garden proposals, bike racks proposal, tree care program with Port Authority, working on homeless APP, sidewalk program,

request funds for MTC CC projects through City Council’s participatory budget process,

John introduced Lt. Louis Marines who welcomed everyone back after 2 month of for summer holiday. He mentioned that Inspector Russell Green was covering the United Nations demonstrations.

Lt. Marines said it has been a good 2 months at the precinct. Crime is down in almost every category.

Department of Homeless Services with MTS officers united headed by Sgt. William Johnson check in with the homeless twice a week. There have been close to 600 contacts made.

P.O. Thomas Byrnes reported an August 30th incident in Bryant Park: an individual was arrested in for biting heads off pigeons. This individual had been arrested 34 times. He was sent to the hospital for psychiatric help, but was released.

Det. Spano reported that Sgt. Timothy Wall dislocated his shoulder in a confrontation with an emotionally disturbed person and is unable to return to duty and may have to retire.


West 30th St resident said that she has had enough with what she called the lack of crowd and noise control at the club, now called American Beauty, 251 W30th St. Noting that the neighbors’ issues with the club date back several years, she said frequent calls to 311 had been made recently, to no avail, and that the club is open from 4 p.m. to 4 a.m., and the crowd sometimes blocks access to her building. Rick Pawelczyk of the Webster Hall Group, said the new management of the club had tightened controls over noise and crowds. John Mudd explained the history of the dispute and noted that the building has a new owner. The two sides continued the discussion after the meeting, joined by John Mudd and NYPD community affairs officers.

Several residents aired complaints about rampant lawlessness among homeless individuals, including drug use and public sex. Police noted that homelessness is a social issue not a police issue, until officers observe someone breaking the law. Calling 311 documents complaints and police will follow up, along with the Department of Homeless Services.

Det. Spano expressed frustration at the failure of courts to give repeat offenders jail time, noting that several individuals arrested recently had been arrested more than 90 times – five of them more than 100.

A disabled veteran vender said that DOT put a sign in his space on 44th St & 7th Ave. It was suggested that DOT be contacted and asked to move the sign.

Craig Primus, Director of Security SUNY, 365 Fifth Ave, thanked P.O. Kramer  who helped with a logistical issue at the school

John Mudd urged everyone to work together to mitigate the homeless situation, and said the discussion would continue at the next meeting.


Officials in attendance:

MTS CC President John Mudd, Vice President Bill Otterson, Secretary Eileen Miller, Assistant Secretary Frank Kelly

Lt Louis Marines, Special Operations. MTS; Det. Paul Spano, Community Affairs, P.O. Thomas Byrnes, Community Affairs; P.O. Edward McDonald, Crime Prevention

Also attending:

John Clancy, Foley’s Restaurant, 18 W. 33rd St,

David Rios, Rick’s Cabaret and Vivid

Noelle Mooney, Stout and Feile,

Alfredo Marty, Blarney Stone, 8th Ave.

Afraz Khan, Community Liaison, Manhattan Borough President’s Office


Twitter account handles:  @NYPDMTS, Transit Division @NYPDTRANSIT

The next MTS Community Council meeting will be held on Thursday October 19, 2017, 7:00 p.m., Wyndham New Yorker Hotel on 8th Avenue between 34th and 35th streets.

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