(MSCC) Sharon Jasprizza, Posted: February 29, 2020
John Mudd opened the meeting with introductions.
Officials in attendance Deputy Inspector Brendan Timoney, commanding officer, MTS; Community Affairs POs, Edward McDonald, Detective Thomas Byrnes, Brian Kelly.
MSCC President John Mudd, Vice President Bill Otterson, Beautician Director Eugene Sinigalliano, Director of Community Relations Allen Oster; Director of Youth Culture program Marni Hasan, Community Services Director Sharon Jasprizza.
John Mudd welcomed Twilla Duncan from Gail Brewer’s office
Police Precinct Announcements:
John Mudd introduced Inspector Brendan Timoney who delivered the month of January crime statistics and who cautioned against leaving unattended cars running and unlocked cars.
Community Councils Announcements
- Sharon Jasprrizza invited all to the 2020 Council Review and Planning Social to be held prior to the next meeting at 5.45pm on Thursday 19 March at the New Yorker Hotel
- John Mudd announced the updates for the spring planting for the Urban farming program
- John Mudd asked for further funding for the GoFundMe: Laundry For Kids – Update: raised close to $4,546 and served 323 kids
- John Mudd outlined the new program for plastic bags. Make the Switch to Reusable Bags: Starting March 1st, New York State laws will prohibit businesses in NYS from distributing plastic carryout bags to customers, with limited exceptions. In addition, businesses will be required to charge a five-cent fee for each paper carryout bag. The fee will not apply to customers using SNAP or WIC. DSNY is notifying and distributing free reusable bags to residents
- John Mudd spoke about the current issue of medical respite beds the Homeless and Housing Committee in NYC were pursuing for the homeless. Medical respite beds:
- Advocating for Medical Respite Beds is important because we have none in NYC
John referred to The McInnis House, Boston’s medical respite bed visit 10/24/19 as a reference point for the study the committee is working on. (The following Homeless and Housing Committees representatives went to the Boston’s Barbara McInnes House medical respite bed: John Mudd and Sharon Jasprizza, MSCC; Cassie Dessalines, Mariam Alami, Martha Zabetta, Miliano, Sarah Zammiello, and Juan Rivera, BronxWorks; Reggie Miller, NYDIS; Sara Sasone and Sharmistha Mohapatra Ryan’s Chelsea Health clinic)
- John Mudd outlined the Workshop development, the 4 pilot programs that combine food and life skills education did well. One is scheduled each month starting in March of this year
- Sharon Jasprizza spoke about the cost of running the workshops and requested for further donations to run these programs
- John Mudd mentioned voucher issues, ISP, Diversionary plan discussions for the upcoming Homeless and Housing meeting on Tuesday March 3
- Policy for Non Medical Respite bed is going through a third draft
Brittany Neary from Safe Horizons spoke about the program for reaching and supporting the community with counselling services. There are advocates in each precinct. Other programs include Safeway Forward.
Marni Halasa, Vera Naseva, from Fight for NYCHA, outlined NYCHA and Housing issues residents have concerns about. The contract and the Resident Handbook” A guide to NYCHA RAD conversion were available and outlined the problems faced as a result of RAD taking over the management and maintenance of public housing. Points raised included:
- A fight for public housing and its funding
- NYCHA is America’s 3rd largest city (used as a reference to point out how many people depend on public housing)
- NYCHA is $32 bill in arrears
- Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) is a joint venture with private managers. NYCHA is turning over buildings to RAD for to reverse years of neglect.
- NYCHA fearful of RAD because of spiked rents, and fear privatization of their homes
- RAD changes Section 9 and turns it into Section 8, rents rise and residents have to pay for utilities
- A Brooklyn meeting where residents were forced to sign a RAD lease, a clause states residents have to accept the apartment as is, another clause refers to habitat standards do not have to met, another clause refers to family gatherings are to rent a public space
- Mani made reference to $440 mill fund that could be used
- Mayor created a working group for residents however Marni’s team was invited and later disinvited
- Marni pointed out a year ago no one was talking about funding for NYCHA but now a bill to fund NYCHA is prepared. People are needed to come on board.
Debra and Constance Sailer from Hearts of Gold, which started 25 years ago, Debra outlined her charity organization and the training her team provides people to run a store, also funds a learning centre for kids and provides private tuition.
- Twilla Duncan from Gail Brewer’s office promoted the
Suffrage Event on March 1 at 1 Center Street
- George will continue to correspond with Inspector Brendan Timoney about issue raised before meeting
- Marni noted the noise at Hudson Yards coming form Con Edison 34th and 9th. Its in the 10th Precinct. Eugene pointed out noise regulations and that DEP would carry sound meters and issue summons. Go to DOB site for violations and permits.
Looking Forward
- Next Council Meeting: March 19, 2020
- Next Homeless & Housing meeting: March 3, 2020, 9:30a, Port Authority, 550 9th Avenue, ground Floor, northeast corner of 40th Street & 9th Avenue (doors on the right before the escalators)
- Next meeting speaker(s): TBA