Notorious Victoria: the first woman to run for president

July 24, 2024 | admin

Notorious victoria(THE GUARDIAN)  , July 19, 2016 — The Long Read: More than a century before Hillary Clinton, ‘Notorious Victoria’ Woodhull made a bid for the White House – a pioneering protest for which she was called ‘Mrs Satan’ and sent to jail

On 2 November 1872, three days before the nation went to the polls to elect its 19th president, one of the candidates was arrested. Two US deputy marshals, Colfax and Bernard, appeared early in the morning in Broad Street, calling at a nondescript shop front at number 48, around the corner from the imposing facade of the New York Stock Exchange. It was not their usual beat, but there they were, on a bitterly cold morning, trudging down Wall Street, to arrest a woman. Not even a prostitute or a thief – unless you believed certain newspapers. Nor was she a husband-poisoner or a pickpocket, but a woman of substance. For a woman to run for the presidency was a ridiculous idea, of course, but you had to admire her gumption.

Source: Notorious Victoria: the first woman to run for president | Eileen Horne | US news | The Guardian

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