(DNAINFO) Jeff Mays and Eddie Small | December 12, 2016 — Tenants at Moshe Piller’s buildings have sued for repairs.
The list of problems in Esther Estime’s Ditmas Park apartment take up almost an entire page in the lawsuit she and other tenants of the apartment building at 2010 Newkirk Ave. filed against landlord Moshe Piller.
There are holes in the floor and the window frames aren’t properly fitted, allowing in cold drafts of air.
A mouse hole by the radiator keeps her apartment infested with vermin.
In her bedroom, the fire escape window glass is broken and the walls are cracked.
The ceiling of the decrepit apartment once collapsed on her 10-year-old son, she said.
“We keep going to court. And he still just collects his money,” Estime said. “There should be a penalty, some consequences. But nothing ever happens.”
When Estime heard that two children were killed in a building owned by Piller in The Bronx after a steam valve came off a radiator, filling the girls’ room with scalding hot steam and burning 70 percent of their bodies, Estime broke down.