As State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie delivered his first speech of the new year on how to address the homelessness crisis in the new legislative session, nearly 600 members if the Housing Justice for All coalition marched on Albany. Tenants from Buffalo, Rochester, the Rockaways, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan held a press conference in the capital, calling for the development of new supportive housing, and investment in public housing across the state, the passage of Home Stability Support, a ‘Good Cause’ eviction bill, the elimination of MCI’s and a just implementation of the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act.
The West Side Neighborhood Alliance had a terrific group of tenant leaders who made the trip up! Members spoke with elected officials in both the State Senate and Assembly on the importance of continuing to fight for deeply affordable housing and strengthening tenant protections.
If you did not get to join WSNA this time, there will be other opportunities throughout the year! For more information or to find out when the next lobby day might be, contact Jon at HCC: 845-367-4980 -OR- Jfurlong@hcc-nyc.org.