Does acne, hyper-pigmented skin, or a growing network of fine lines and wrinkles have you avoiding mirrors?!Are you constantly spending money on skin care products that promise a smooth, flawless complexion?
Do you dread summer because, while everyone else is showing more skin, you suffer from itchy flares and unsightly patches of eczema, hives or psoriasis?
Do you feel frustrated that the topical creams and antibiotics prescribed by your dermatologist have minimal to zero effect in eradicating persistent acne? And, even if your skin does clear somewhat, the acne always returns?
I’ve been there, too—searching out the guru dermatologists and chasing hope in a (pill) bottle.
Not only are pimples, itchy rashes, hives, fine lines and other unsightly skin conditions confidence crushers, they can seemingly take on a life of their own. The good news? By understanding the role of inflammation and the food-skin connection, you can start eating your way to healthy, glowing skin.
Source: Skin-tastic! Eat your way to clear, glowing skin – the nourished epicurean