(DNAINFO) Noah Hurowitz | October 22, 2015 — A coalition of politicians and anti-development activists is looking to pay its own way to push through proposed rezoning that would limit the construction of new skyscrapers in the neighborhood’s residential areas.
Councilman Ben Kallos is working with the East River 50s Alliance, a community group that coalesced around an effort to defeat plans for a 900-foot skyscraper in Sutton Place, to raise the money and dole it out to the analysts, planners, and lawyers that the activists will need in order to usher a rezoning bid through the city’s uniform land-use review process, or ULURP.
A grassroots stab at a ULURP rezoning is an unusual tactic, as most rezonings come at the request of the city or an individual developer looking to build a project not allowed under an area’s current regulations.