Salon, BOB HENNELLY, December 30, 2024
Every child is holy
This time of year depictions of the Baby Jesus in a manger are everywhere as a commercial cue, an object of worship, as a depiction of the essence of innocence. That biblical diorama with the Christ Child at the radiant center, surrounded by Joseph and Mary, then the three wise men with the shepherds on the periphery, represents a concentric circle of care so many of our world’s children suffer for the lack of.
From the killing fields of Gaza to the shooting galleries that can be any American elementary school, dead children are seen as justifiable collateral casualties to a worthy military objective or hapless incidental victims of a society that worships guns.
Yes, tens of millions of Americans just voted to return a man to the White House who implemented a policy as president that separated thousands of infants and children from their migrant parents exposing them to prison-like conditions, sexual abuse and generational trauma. Days before Christmas, Republicans in Congress tried to ram through a spending bill that strips childhood cancer research from the federal budget.
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