The Sanders Campaign – From Sea to Shining Sea

July 24, 2024 | admin

(COMMON DREAMS) Tom Gallagher, April 29, 2016 — Really, you can’t fault Hillary Clinton’s campaign for trying to get Bernie Sanders out of the race. It’s a campaign – that’s what you do. They want to win the nomination. We on the Sanders side want it too and we’d love to see Clinton out. But we’re also campaigning to change the nation by ending the corporate stranglehold on Washington. And as more and more people come to understand what that’s all about, we think we’re winning that campaign.

“While the Clintons and their hard core supporters may never get what the Sanders campaign is all about, we know that there are millions who do – and millions more who will, when the campaign gets to their state.”

The current calls for Sanders to retire from the field are really just the latest iteration of a theme that has been central to the Clinton candidacy from the start – that we, Sanders and all his supporters, don’t belong in this thing in the first place. From their point of view, the nomination was always just supposed to go to Clinton. Democratic Party leaders had decided this some time ago and the rest of us were just mucking things up. Back as far as July of last year, former Massachusetts Representative Barney Frank, “a close ally of the Clinton campaign” as the New York Times calls him, argued that no candidate should force Clinton “to spend most of her time and campaign funds between now and next summer proving her ideological purity in an intraparty fight.” Well, it turns out that a lot of people saw it differently and a whole lot of people still see it differently – a whole lot differently.

Source: The Sanders Campaign – From Sea to Shining Sea | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

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