MSCC, john Mudd, Event date: Tuesday, January 7, 2025 , Time: 9:30 am-11:00 am, Location: ZOOM.US
This meeting’s topics: We’re continuing to discuss the cities development policies: The City Of Yes, with Paul Graziano, Save 1 Family NY. We’ll have some updates from Humanist and Educator Rob Robinson, and others from our network.
CHAIR: John Mudd
We appreciate all suggestions to help us run this meeting proficiently.
- Housekeeping (Zoom protocols) copying chat, muting, etc.
- Signing in: Please sign in with your name and organization
- Please email subject and speaker suggestions by the 15th of each month
- Items to Triage: To give time to pressing topics, please forward items at least 24 hours prior to meetings
- Introductions, welcoming new and old members (keeping it short and sweet)
- Need someone to summarize actions and followup
The Homeless and Housing members, attendees, and speakers share knowledge, ideas, and resources to identify problems and find solutions to the homeless and housing crisis.
5 min
The prior 8:30 Homeless and Housing Policy meeting wrap-up as presented by attending members.
2 min
Council’s progress report on actions and initiatives.
- Farms!
- Web
- Need Board and committee members (funding & Finance, Street Sheets)
- Other
3 min
The below list of intros and updates should be brief; everyone is welcomed to present for a lengthier discussion at a planned date
- Elected officials/agencies—updates
- Alex Yong, WSNA NYC, Member of the End Apartment Warehousing Coalition
- Charisma White
- Saving Public Housing Coalition
- Rob Robinson, Updates
- Others
- New attending members?
5 min
Bill 1096-2024
Councilman Chris Marte sponsored Bill 1096 to protect the civil service retirees of new York. We have 10 people who will be asking Councilman Erik Bottcher to cosign the bill. We are planning to meet with other councilpersons too, and will continue to do outreach until we have the bill pass.
8 min
Summations of The City of Yes
Speakers: Paul Graziano, Save 1 Family NY
25 min+
8 min
- Summary
- Additional Requests
2 min
- Additional announcements from new attendees, committee members, elected officials, others
- Last words?
2 min
- One Stop Shop
- Hurt Committee
- Objectives/Mission/Vision: MSCC is busily restructuring to become more effective in accomplishing its goals and making plans for the coming new year to complete their:
- Mission: Midtown South Community Council strives to dismantle the causes of homelessness by building an equitable, just, and sustainable social infrastructure to ensure dignity, health, and home for all.
- Vision: Midtown South Community Council envisions a city where homelessness and poverty are eradicated
- Committees: Managing our overwhelming tasks together with our intersecting network. If anyone wants to be involved with building committees to serve programs and projects of mutual interests (Housing, Urban Farming, Education & Awareness, healthcare, incarceration, workshops, health access, Home Improvement, communications/social media messaging, Midtown Street Sheets…), please let us know
- Street Sheets
4 min
- Topic Suggests:
- Next month our special guest will be Norman Seigel and Damu Radheshwar
- Illusion of Choice: How Source of Income Discrimination and Voucher Policies Perpetuate Housing Inequality, UnlockNYC
- Department of Building’s Office of Tenant Advocate (OTA) advocates for tenant against obtrusive or illegal construction within multi unit residential buildings. Speaker(s): Rakell Washington & Ana Pluchinatta
- Charisma White (MSCC), what does deeply affordable housing mean
- Network marketing and communications committee (suggestion)
- Planning committee with Mount Sinai about their unused wings (suggested)
- Common Point’s services
- Prison to shelter and back again
- Policing the problem away; 50% of the Riker’s Island jail population are mentally ill
- Speaker Suggestions: All suggestions are welcomed
- New Members: Thank you for joining, feel free to tell us your needs, schedule a presentation, and connect with anyone within this network
- NEXT Meeting Homeless and Housing Meeting: 9:30 AM Tuesday, January 4, 2025
- Always the 1st Tuesday of every month
2 min
Contact or for more information and Zoom invitations.
Rose Roach bio
Rose Roach is the National Coordinator for the Labor Campaign for Single Payer and Chair of Healthcare for All Minnesota. Ms. Roach retired in 2023 as the Executive Director of the MN Nurses Association after working in the labor movement for 34 years. For more than two decades, Ms. Roach has been involved in the healthcare justice movement, both as a national speaker and trainer. She served on Governor Mark Dayton’s Healthcare Financing Task Force as well as Attorney General, Keith Ellison’s, Lowering Pharmaceutical Costs Task Force. In 2016 and 2020, Ms. Roach was recognized as one of the MN Physician’s Magazine quadrennials, top100 leaders in healthcare, was the first recipient of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s Women’s Trailblazer award this past February and received the 2019 DFL’s Paul Wellstone Lifetime Commitment to Organized Labor award.